Monday, September 17, 2007

Help Amal : Cancer patient

Hi my Friends,

This is not a chain letter or an email that should be forwarded to anyone else. I am sending this mail to all of you, because you are all known to me. I am asking for some help for a very close friend of mine - and this is just a request only. Please don't take it as something that you are compelled to do. I don't have the means to totally help him.

I am briefly giving you the story behind the two pictures attached in my other email, as I dont have scanning facilities at home - the photographs will be sent to you by tomorrow.

I am sure some of you know who Amal is, and what happened to him. He took some of you to WILD WADI while he was working at Madinat Jumeirah. To the ones who don't know him - Amal is a very good and close friend of mine. He is 30 years now. The two photographs attached are ones that show before and after a Brain Tumor operation which he underwent in December 2004. It was such a terrible shock to all of us.

Amal worked at Madinat Jumeirah in Dubai from June 2004 and was falling quite ill. Subsequently, after an MRI scan done at the Iranian hospital it was revealed that he had a maligned tumor which had to be operated immediately. Praise be to God - the hotel agreed to pay the total hospital bill, and the outside medicins he had to take which helped him and his family immensely. He was warded at the Asiri Hospital and the operation was done by Dr. Sunil Perera. The operation was a success and he was up and about, although there were few side effects from time to time.

He came back to work but could not work in the kitchen deparment and the management gave him a less stressful job at the Spa, where he workd until October 2006. He was falling ill from time to time and decided to leave Dubai to join his family, get married and settle down permanently in Sri Lanka. He happily started a small business of his own with the money he had saved in Dubai and somehow unfortunately he fell ill again and to my shock he sent me an sms last Wednesday (12th Sept) saying that he has to undergo another operation (a second tumor just above his eye), on Tuesday (18th Sept). This was a little too much for me and for the ones who knew him to take it in.

However, I called him today, and his sister answered the phone and said that the operation had to be done TODAY, and he thank God, he was conscious after the operation. But we still don't know the after effects. The operation was done at the General Hospital, by Dr. Sunil Perera once again, so no money is required as Operation charges. But, after 01 month, he has to bear quite a lot of expenses travelling up and down from Negombo to the Maharagama Cancer hospital for treatment there, for at least 1 1/2 months.

He has to find alternate accommodation somewhere close to Maharagama, transportation, medicines, nourishment and etc.etc. He is the eldest in the family with 01 younger sister and lives with his father and mother towards the interior of Negombo.

Amal has been a very good friend to all who were in contact with him. He helped people whenever he could by his going out to places they did not know, and in whatever way he could and wherever he was, there was laughter. Yes, that is one thing that I admire most in him. He made us all laugh.

Friends who are not in Sri Lanka - Amal's Bank Account no. is given below. I leave it to you to decide on what contribution you can make.

Amal Suranga Senerath Yapa - Bank of Ceylon Negombo Branch - 1409358

Friends who are in Sri Lanka - Amal's sister or father will be carrying his mobile - 077 3656748. He is at the General Hospital Neurology Intensive care Unit right now. Whoever can visit him or call him on my behalf, please do so. More than anything, please pray that God will give him the strenght to recover.

I don't know how I put all these words together. There's so much more that I have to say, but I just cannot go on.

Even if you cannot help him finanacially, please keep in your prayers.

Thank you so much for all your help.

God bless you
Mobile 00971 50 8597880

Monday, September 10, 2007

Save the life of Gihani

Please help this girl (she is a 12yrs old Devian ) and she Is suffering from Lucamia (AML M4) she must undergo an allogenic bone marrow tranaplant. Her parents are strugling to collect Rs50,00,000 for her opperation.

Please make all your donations this account (1-0067-50-3285-7) NSB Kiribathgoda.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Donation Channel - Help this family

This lady is blind and has 4 children. Husband died from a disease. The eldest child,aged 11 foster others by begging. The house is a hut. The whole village is spread with malnutrition. They earned a living through collecting Aralu,Bulu,Nelli from Nilgala Herbal Park.

read more and watch video >>